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Yezmin Villarreal
<p>Yezmin always has a coffee in her hand. She's a writer from Phoenix, AZ, who is interested in the intersection of race, sex, and gender in pop culture.</p>
<p>Yezmin always has a coffee in her hand. She's a writer from Phoenix, AZ, who is interested in the intersection of race, sex, and gender in pop culture.</p>
FYF Fest, the music festival, was this weekend in Los Angeles. Kanye West and Morrissey were the headliners, but many other artists such as Toro y Moi, Bloc Party, and Solange, performed.
Photo by Chris Carrasquillo for FYF Fest
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Yezmin Villarreal
<p>Yezmin always has a coffee in her hand. She's a writer from Phoenix, AZ, who is interested in the intersection of race, sex, and gender in pop culture.</p>
<p>Yezmin always has a coffee in her hand. She's a writer from Phoenix, AZ, who is interested in the intersection of race, sex, and gender in pop culture.</p>