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WW2 hero codebreaker Alan Turing was jailed for being gay; 'Forgetting the Many' tells his story and others

The documentary Forgetting the Many: The Royal Pardon of Alan Turing examines Turing and other gay men convicted under the U.K.’s 1885 anti-homosexuality law. It opens for a one-week run in NYC on Dec. 6.

Here's every Pride celebration happening in the U.S. in 2024

Pride Month is almost here so it's time to start planning!

10 Lesbian Coded Films to Watch Over the Holiday Break

There's plenty to enjoy in films you may have overlooked because of their age or genre, or because they vanished so quickly from cinemas. Some offer top actresses as out-and-proud lesbians, some have same-sex desire simmering under the radar, and some simply depict solid female bonding that makes you want the characters to take it up a notch.

Cinema Junkies Compiles its List of 'Beautiful Women in Film: 5 Best Italian Lesbian Movies'

From a new list of “Beautiful Women in Film: 5 Best Italian Lesbian Movies,” on Cinema Junkies, it would appear that gorgeous women spouting Italian still captivate, although perhaps for different reasons than they did in Fellini’s hey-day, as Cinema Junkie’s encapsulation of its first film on the list offers this viewing advice, “If it is nudity that you want, Viola di Mare has some great breast scenes.”