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How the 'Crazy Christian Woman' Become an Overnight Gay Sensation

How the 'Crazy Christian Woman' Become an Overnight Gay Sensation

"For the SCOTUS so loved the gays that it gave them marriage equality, that whoever rejoices with them shall not wear crocs but have an everlasting happiness." - Me

Unfortunately for Becky Wegner Rommel, she chose to disagree and post a video of her opinion on the Internet after "five justices decided that God was wrong."

Now, if only Becky did not delete her Facebook page (I wonder why), I could've asked her to clarify some of the statements that she made:

1. "It's time for Christians to have a voice"

With 2.1 billion followers, Christianity is the biggest religion in the world. I doubt that they'd struggle to have a voice. But, hey, if Becky's so adamant about it, then maybe they do. 

2. Jesus is the God of the universe and the truth.

Hold up. Isn't he the Son of God? Also, if you're going to claim that God's word is the truth, Becky, you kind of have to cite passages and explain them thoroughly. Or else, you get a "D." ;) 

3. And it's not Muhammad.

In case you didn't know that, "ISLAAAAAMIC EXTREMLISTS."

4. I also wanted her to define extremist for me.

Screw it, I'll just google it:

ex·trem·ist /ikˈstrēməst/ noun
"a person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views, especially one who resorts to or advocates extreme action."


5. Apparently, Christians only read one version of the Bible.

Damn, I believe I had to read at least three versions when I went to Catholic school. I could've saved a lot of time and check out my crush instead of reading all those differently transcribed verses.

6. "Christians should make a stand for what they believe in."

Again, biggest and most influential religion in the world.

7. One last thing I wanted to ask her: "Is your hair bleached?"

After her rant blew across the web, Becky must be feeling a little down from all the haters. Luckily, the Rainbow Squad is there whenever you need it. 

Don't worry, Becky. The squad has spoken. You're an opinionated person who commits malapropism and embraces her own style. You are now, officially, a gay icon. And if you don't want to like her:


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Majick Tadepa