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gay celebs

7 Gay Celebs Who Dished On Their Threesome Experiences

These stars had some very steamy things to say about menage a trois.

10 gay celebrity hunks ranked by their WikiFeet score

Who knew these men were hiding the hottest feet in Hollywood?!

8 images from 'Gay Icons Guide to Life' that prove we're the wisest AND the shadiest of them all

From Dolly to Billy these are a reminder that we've seen it all, done it all, and definitely know it all.

25 Pics From Netflix's Star-Studded Happy Holigays Party That Are Making Our Yuletide GAY!

Drag stars, A-listers, history-making queer folks — this party was for legends only!

Lance Bass Celebrates Husband Michael Turchin's Birthday Through Dance

Plus, read his sweet message to his husband of eight years.