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These Are the 11 Worst Christmas Songs. Period.

Don't @ us, we have spoken.

Every Netflix Original Film Coming This Fall

From Sci-fi epics to biopics about LGBTQ+ icons the streaming service is bringing the heat this fall

19 LGBTQ+ Movies & TV Shows Coming In August 2023 & How To Watch Them

Heartstopper, Problemista, Reservation Dogs, Passages... and so much more!

10 Lesbian-Approved Summer Movies - Part 2

Summer popcorn flicks and thoughtful lesbian-themed cinema don't typically collide, When it comes to lesbians -- or women in general for that matter -- seeking representation on the big screen, the summer blockbuster season is fairly slim pickings next to the testosterone-laden superhero scenario on endless redux and the paean to the poor shlubby guy who always gets the hot girl comedies that apparently never get old in Hollywood. Girl Most Likely, Passion, Hot Flashes, Red 2.