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bret easton ellis

Luca Guadagnino found his 'American Psycho' star—and we're all shook up

He's just a hunk of burning love!

Bret Easton Ellis' Blow Hard Comment #467 - Kathryn Bigelow's Overrated Because She's 'Hot'

The endless train wreck that is Bret Easton Ellis's Twitter feed has run over yet another issue of propriety. This time, the writer is widely being called sexist for attacking director Kathryn Bigelow as overrated because she's a woman and because she's "hot."

Author Brett Easton Ellis Compares 'Glee' to 'A Puddle of HIV'

Author Bret Easton Ellis has tweeted, "I like the idea of Glee but why is it that every time I watch an episode I feel like I've stepped into a puddle of HIV?" Easton sent the tweet to his more than 140, 000 followers Tuesday night.