With holidays nearing, family time is inevitable. Sure, family time can be loving and fun but if we are being honest it can also be difficult at times, especially if you are bringing your girlfriend home to meet the fam. Here are eight questions you may encounter when your girlfriend meets your family. Luckily, I have provided a few sassy answers to cure any awkward situations at dinner.
1. Who's your "friend?"
Uh, sorry, I don't kiss my friends like this.
2. Don't you ever want to have children?
Yes, mom. I will give you grandchildren! They just may not come the way you originally thought they would.
3. When are you going to meet a nice boy?
I'm not really looking right now because this is my GIRLFRIEND.
4. Does the rest of the family know you're into girls?
I've given them a few clues, like this is the third girl I've brought home. The rest is up to them.
5. Are you two roommates?
Not exactly...but we often share a bed.
6. Are you and your girlfriend still going to be catholic/prostestant/jewish/muslim, etc even though you're a same-sex couple?
Those are not mutually exclusive. I can be LGBT and any religion my heart desires.
7. Is your girlfriend going to get a "real" job any time soon?
Define real job. Exactlym what do you do?
8. When are you getting engaged?
I dont know. Can I borrow your crystal ball?