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anti trans

Watch this mom BRUTALLY confront an anti-LGBTQ+ state superintendent to their face & get arrested

Mom Audra Beasley bravely stood up for her children, calling Oklahoma's superintendent a "bigot and bully."

This trans teen athlete just stood up to conservative politicians and WON

16-year-old Maelle Jacques gave a stunning speech fighting for her right to play on the girl's sports teams.

Republican pundit tries to go viral with anti-trans outrage video — gets DRAGGED instead

A conservative activist tried to go viral… but it backfired gloriously!

Ron DeSantis is such a huge LOSER that 21 of his anti-LGBTQ bills fail while we're CACKLING

Turns out being a huge homophobe isn't the pathway to success Republicans think it is.

Dakota Johnson claims that kids are identifying as cats and we are so confused

What exactly did you mean, Madame Web?

Don't celebrate Nikki Haley's D.C. win — 6 awful things she said about LGBTQ+ people

Just because she's running against Trump doesn't mean she's not terrible too!

Conservative family hates LGBTQ+ people so much they moved to Russia & shocker it didn't go well

The right-wing family left the freedom of Canada for an oligarchy all because of their hatred of LGBTQ+ people and "left-wing ideology."

Watch a reporter ask Ron DeSantis about the lifts in his shoes while we CACKLE

Are your high heels gender-affirming care, Ron?

MAGA darling MTG calls LGBTQ+ people 'groomers' proving that yes, she can get worse

Marjorie Taylor Greene throws her support behind the far-right social media account Libs of TikTok.

Even Oreos aren't exempt from angry conservative boycotts for supporting LGBTQ+ rights

If it’s not Bud Light, Target, or Disney, conservatives will find a new company to boycott. This time, it’s Oreo.

WATCH Sarasota resident slam Bridget Ziegler for her anti-LGBTQ+ hate to her face

"It is no business of mine what you do in your, or anyone else's, bedroom; however, a leader can not say one thing and do another," John Smeallie said.

Moms for Liberty member caught stealing from Target & being a HUGE hypocrite

Keri Blair was caught shoplifting from the same store conservatives love to hate for being too "woke"

​Ron DeSantis flails in presidential debate, accuses Disney of 'trans-ing' kids

DeSantis lashes out at fellow Republican Nikki Haley in a pathetic attempt to sway voters.

MAGA darling MTG tries to eat her own by calling out Nikki Haley & they both look like clowns

Marjorie Taylor tried to take down fellow Republican Nikki Haley by claiming she's a secret liberal.

Candace Owens calls LGBTQ+ people a 'sexual plague' in a predictably hateful rant​

The ultra-conservative pundit bores us with the same hate she's been spewing for years. Get a life, Candace!

Watch AOC's Brutal Take Down Of Transphobic Republicans, We're Cheering

We’re here today because there’s a proposal here to further marginalize trans women in sports... I think not!" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said.

House Speaker Mike Johnson's Latest Resurfaced Admission Is Next Level Pervy

The Republican congressman explained how he would've taken advantage of trans-inclusive policies to be a Peeping Tom.