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Here's why Candace Owens is cool with Ukraine losing to Russia

The firebrand pundit with a history of racist, transphobic, and homophobic rhetoric stays true to form in her latest post to social media.

Get your rubbers at the ready: BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! opens Gallery Café in London

BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! Gallery Café is a new cultural hub to promote queer and gay fine art photography.

Here's the fascinating history behind International Women's Day

The history of International Women's Day goes beyond feminism, which reminds us of the deep ties between gender equality and class struggle.

Conservative family hates LGBTQ+ people so much they moved to Russia & shocker it didn't go well

The right-wing family left the freedom of Canada for an oligarchy all because of their hatred of LGBTQ+ people and "left-wing ideology."