Now, we don't want to speak to soon, but it looks like season 3 might be Orphan Black's most badass one yet. Every teaser and trailer has been as packed with intense action as it is with different versions of Tatiana Maslany, and the newest video is raising the stakes even higher. Not only do we get a glance at the Delphine being gorgeous and amazing, but we also get introduced in a few glimpses to several of the male clones played by Ari Millen. How many are there? We're pretty sure no one knows yet, and especially not Sarah. Also some good news for all you Rachel fans out there; looks like while one eye might be out of commission, the rest of her is still sticking around. If we're learning anything from all these season 3 teasers, it's definitely 'the more clones the merrier.' Or rather, the messier. Is it April 18th already?