What’s cuter than penguins in love? Girl penguins in love of course! And Ireland’s Dingle Oceanworld Aquarium now features one of the few lesbian penguin couples on record, according to The Irish Examiner.
The smitten penguins, Missy and Penelope, have set up a nest together and have been “displaying all the signs of a courting couple in their enclosure,” according to the aquarium’s head penguin keeper Kate Hall.
But don’t expect to visit the aquarium and find Missy and Penelope binge-watching Orange Is the New Blacktogether. Apparently, their form of courtship involves bowing to one another (how very Downton Abbey of them).
Regarding the bowing, Hall said, “When they come into breeding season, they do it to the penguin of their choice and it reinforces the bond between them.”
While there have been several famous male penguin couples, Penelope and Missy are only the second public pairing on our radar. We have reported on Israel’s lady penguin couple Suki and Chupchikoni a few times. When last we wrote about them they had not burrowed together, but they were attempting to mate and they were preparing a nest together.
Here’s hoping Missy and Penelope have an epic love story for the ages!