For fans eagerly awaiting Cathy DeBuono's and Jill Bennett's next live episode of The Gloves are Off or for Cathy's What's Your Problem? please continue to check with SheWired as the ladies are traveling in Europe for their film And Then Came Lola and for their original Web series, We Have to Stop Now. While that is wonderful news for their fans across the pond, the rest of us shall have to wait patiently until our favorite Web stars can find a place to set up and livestream.
We will post announcements here and on Facebook and Twitter as soon as we know for sure when Cathy and Jill will be live on SheWired. Please bear with us for the next three weeks while we shoot from the hip with their schedule and know that we'll be posting exclusive content of Cathy and Jill live from The Dinah Shore Weekend, running from March 31 to April 4.
Meanwhile, here are We Have to Stop Now tidbits for you to tide you over.
Catch up with taped The Gloves are Off videos only on SheWired.
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For more about Cathy, Jill, and their other projects or to watch their web series We Have To Stop Now,visit their websites: and
Check out Lucia's hot leather products at LuckyDogLeather!
Cathy's MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and SheWired archives!
Jill's MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and SheWired archives!
Also check out more SheWired videos here!