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9 Wonderful Surprises No One Tells You About Your First Girl Kiss

9 Wonderful Surprises No One Tells You About Your First Girl Kiss

9 Wonderful Surprises No One Tells You About Your First Girl Kiss

Pucker up girls! It's time for some girl-on-girl kissing basics.

Your first girl-on-girl kiss is full of uncertainty, passion and curiosity. It may not be everything you expect though. Your first kiss may be completely unexpected or highly anticipated, either way savor it and remember less is more when talking about tongue. Happy kissing ladies!

9. It's very different from kissing a guy.

Girls are soft, smooth and attentive - most of them.


8. It's not exactly what the movies show.

Don't expect an all out, well lit, perfectly choreographed make out scene, a laThe L Word.


7. She'll be softer than you expected.

No facial hair + regular lip care is a thing of wonder. 


6. You may be self-conscious and even nervous. Remember, take a deep breath and relax.

She is probably feeling what you are feeling so let the nerves roll off. 


5. It may not be perfect the first time.

So what? Did you feel a spark? If you did then...


4. If at first you don't succeed...try, try again!

You won't regret it!


3. Beware of all the hair. Her hair. Your hair. It's like a hairdresser's wet dream.

Imagine what happens when you are practicing your Beyonce hair flips and multiply that by two.


2. If it's with the right person. It will be electrifying.

When you know. You know.


1. You will probably love it.

Even Katy Perry was not immune. 


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Bianca Rosen Siegel