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G-Spot Work In Progress...

A couple of scientists from King’s College London allegedly determined “fairly conslusively” that the G-spot does not actually exist. 

A couple of scientists from King’s College London allegedly determined “fairly conslusively” that the G-spot does not actually exist. 

Lets begin analyzing their process of scientific testing that led them to this conclusion, shall we?

Before we get into the nitty-gritt, I need to take a quick second to laugh at the name of one of the doctor’s leading the “G-Spot: Fiction or Friction” study - Dr. Andrea Virginia Burri. Her name almost makes me feel like I am writing an episode of Will & Grace. That said, Burri and Dr. Tim Spector’s study seems rather poorly concieved and analyzed, not to mention illogically interpreted. On top of all that, there are plenty of women I know who would just call it wrong.

Drs. Burri and Spector surveyed 1,804 British female twins between the ages of 23 and 83 about wether or not they have g-spots. As Dr. Susan Block, a sex columnist for AlterNet, elaborates “or thought they had them. Or could find them. Or enjoy them. Or something. What a way to run a treasure hunt.”

“Dr Burri Would Bury Our Hands in the Sand”

Actually a majority – a full 56% - of Burri and Spector’s Brit ladies claim that they do infact have g-spots, and could locate them. Yet, Burri goes against the statement of those making up that majority even further by explaining her eagerness to eliminate feelings of “inadequacy or underachievement” which may affect women with a fear they g-spotless. Continuing with “it is rather irresponsible to claim the existence of an entity that has never really been proven and pressurise [sic] women -- and men, too."??

Burri’s explaination makes it appear as though she went into the research with a ovbiously biased point to make. Block notes it is “reminiscent of 1850s-era gynecologist William Acton writing, ‘The majority of women (happily for them) are not very much troubled with sexual feelings of any kind."”

When will it be common knowledge, especially with so-called scientists such as Burri and Spector, that having fantastic sex does not occur as naturally (or easily) as a teenager’s wet dream? Just as chowing down a McRib is far more simple than preparing and enjoying a five course gormet meal.

In Block’s rant against Burri and Spector, she makes a very good point in noting “religious extremists can get quite patronizing about what they feel is ‘okay’ sexually or ‘sanctioned by God.’ But people who call themselves scientists should know better.” Sex involves a learning process, especially with women and their continually evolving bodies. Maybe, for some women, that puts pressure on them and their partners. Block questions if it would be preferable for those women to unconnected to the sexual capabilities “of their miraculous, complex bodies.” For Burri, the answer is yes.


Spector has this message for those ladies thinking they have g-spots: “This is by far the biggest study ever carried out and shows fairly conclusively that the idea of a G-spot is subjective. Women may argue that having a G-spot is due to diet or exercise, but in fact it is virtually impossible to find real traits."

Correct me if I am horribly mistaken, but no g-spot expert claims that a whether or not a woman has one comes from diet and exercise. It is whether or not an individual can locate it. Block responds by pointing out “you can be fat or thin, in good shape or bad, carnivore or vegan and ‘have’ a G-spot, just as you can be any of those things and still ‘have’ a clitoris or a cervix.  Having a body part is not a question of eating seaweed or doing kegels. […]The biggest plus is knowing where to go and having the patience and desire to experience the sensations.”

The last time I checked, questionaires and surveys are better applied to matters of psychology, not the existence of a body part that a person may or may not be aware of, considering the anatomical location on the inside of the female body.



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