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14 Ridiculous Things Clueless Straight Guys Say to Lesbians

14 Ridiculous Things Clueless Straight Guys Say to Lesbians

14 Ridiculous Things Clueless Straight Guys Say to Lesbians

There's always that one dude in the bar who can't help himself.

You know the deal, everyone wants what they can't have and straight guys wanting lesbians is the oldest trick in the book. 


14. Can you be my ultimate wing woman?

Yes, but I don't want to.


13. You're so pretty. You can't be a complete lesbian. 

Not exactly mutually exclusive concepts.


12. Don't you at least want to try it with a guy? 

Uh, no thanks. 


11. Do you share your bras and underwear with your girl friends?

I mean, I can't say we never have...but it is certainly none of your business. 
10. Don't you miss having a penis in the mix?
Define what you mean by miss...
9. So how do you have sex, anyway? 
As if I would tell you... 
8. Can I join you and your girl?
No. Just no.

7. Can I just watch? 
Nice try. Still no.
6. Maybe I can just watch you make out a little?
Who do you think I am, Katy Perry?
5. Don't you get jealous when guys hit on your girl?
Just as much as when women hit on her.
4. Are you looking for sperm to have a baby? 
I doubt I want you as the father of my baby.
3. For real though, don't you miss a penis?
Still no. 
2. Which one of you is the "guy" then?
No guy. That's the point. 
1. When you're done with this "phase" will you give me a call?
This "phase" you're talking about is my life. 
The Pride Store HalloweenOut / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff and Wayne Brady

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Bianca Rosen Siegel