Pop diva Pink, in a video chat with celebrity blogger
Perez Hilton, debunked the assertion that she gave an explicit interview about being bisexual to a British tabloid, and thereby denying rumors that she likes the ladies.
The 'Sober' singer, who married Motocross champ Carey Hart, told Perez:
"As much as I stand up for gay rights. I marched with the Prop. 8 thing. If I were gay do you think I would have a problem
coming out? There's nothing wrong with being gay. There's nothing wrong with being bi. I would be waving my fucking flag all over the place but it's not my truth. So I have to defend my truth."
Pink went on to say that the tabloid,
The News of the World, misquoted her and added that it's annoying to be misquoted.
Perez, who posted the tabloid's story on his site, asked Pink if she thinks the bisexual rumors persist because of her tough, non-traditional female persona. She replied:
"Didn't we already burn our fucking bra? I mean, does the whole world have one idea about what a woman is? If I'm too strong, I'm to masculine, I'm not a damsel, my hair's not long enough, my skirt's not short enough...so I have to be some fucking...something other than what I am?"
"We need to march for strong women! Pink said, throwing in a comment about gay marriage and equality for all.
But before signing off on the subject, the badass took Perez to task and said about his posting that she came out as bi, "so take that shit off your fucking website."