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Truvada is an antiretroviral drug released by Gilead Sciences used to treat HIV infection and, more recently, to prevent HIV transmission in HIV-negative people as PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis. Although the drug has caused some controversy, the FDA has approved it as a potentially life-saving prevention regimen for those at high risk for contracting HIV — primarily men who have sex with men, or who are in serodiscordant relationships, or use injection drugs. Follow Pride for all the latest info on the awesome drug!

HIV 101: He's Positive, I'm Not — How Do We Deal?

Everyone has questions when they find out they are positive. In this series of posts, here are several of the most common, plus straightforward answers to help you navigate this new life of yours.

11 Reasons Why You Should Definitely Be On PrEP

Truvada is your friend.