1. She'll become a new expert on your neighborhood because you will inevitably take a lot of walks to get out of the cramped coop you share together.
2. Because of all that exploring, she'll know exactly where to grab some food in the hood, meaning wherever your closest Whole Foods or Trader Joe's is.
3. Cooking won't be a collective effort because your kitchen has a capacity of one.
4. She'll insist on doing the dishes and quickly learn where to store them in the ONE cabinet that's there.
5. Whenever you clean, she'll try and pitch in and you won’t feel too guilty saying yes because it’s so tiny.
6. Bathroom noises and fragrences spread quickly so you invest in some incense, because it's way more effective than Febreze.
7. She'll apologize for her "stuff being everywhere" whenever you tidy up, which is adorable since she only ever has her backpack.
8. Your wardrobe becomes her favorite spring project because she wants you to have more space in your teensy weensy closet.
9. She will feel free to comment on how frequently you wear things: “I’ve literally never seen you in these.”
10. You'll find yourself in cramped spaces with her, which is honestly a blessing in disguise.
11. Switching off in front of the mirror becomes a thing, which only prolongs the process of trying to get ready to go out.
12. And she'll use all your bathroom stuff because bringing over more THINGS would be nonsense.
13. You'll end up snuggling and napping a lot because it's the only place the two of you can relax together.
But when is ending up in bed with your girlfriend a problem? Never.
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