From completely bare to more bear like, there are endless options for how to style your downstairs hair, but what do lesbians like?
Like most things in life, there is no one size fits all answer, but the queer women on the subreddit r/ActualLesbians attempted to answer this question, and their responses are so steamy and honest they may make you blush!
On a recent Reddit thread, one user asked, “How much hair is too much?” The answers were eye-opening! From lesbians who love a butch with hair for days to women who prefer things to be tidy for oral sex to lesbians who love whatever makes you feel comfortable in your own skin, there is a wide range of opinions, and they’re all amazing.
So whether you love to let your full bush do its own thang, or you go with a basic Brazilian and landing strip or just a trim to keep things tidy, or you shave it all off to avoid a Gillian Anderson-style fashion moment, there are lesbians out there who are going dig what you’ve got going on down there and find it incredibly hot.
But what do queer women really think of the myriad ways you can style your pubes? Let’s go right to the source and see what these Sapphic ladies find sexy when it comes to the hair between your legs!
A trim is hot and practical.

filededron/Getty images
"Slight trim is nice, but I don't consider a full bush a turnoff" — AleshaoftheMardu
"Trimmed is fine. As long as the hair isn't so long that it gets in the way. Stubble feels sharp and cause irritation, so shaved takes a lot of upkeep that I wouldn't wish on anyone." — PARADOXsquared
"Maybe an unpopular opinion but I love trimmed! I feel like full on super huge bush would be displeasing, especially with a mouth full of hair." — hereforagoodtimebaby
"I like hair. but yeah i prefer trimmed for...practical purposes lol (same with short nails)" — kassi0peia
Wanting their lover to pick whatever "hairstyle" makes them feel confident.

Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock
"I know, kind of a copout answer... but it's really going to depend. Some women will love lots of hair, some will prefer completely shaven. My preference is whatever makes my partner more comfortable. So long as good hygiene is observed, the amount is pretty irrelevant to me." — Vardet10
"I prefer hair and don’t care the amount. Whatever my partner likes is good with me when it comes to their grooming style." — oatwizzz
"Depends sweetie. On the people involved. Mostly, I feel, on your own comfort." — NotAtAllASkinwalker
"Full blown bush for the winnnn, baby. But honestly, whatever makes them feel confident." — Glittering_Ad_1087
A trim can make oral even better!

B-D-S Piotr Marcinski/Shutterstock
"I love the hair, personally I trim around the lips and hole itself so there is better access orally. I like when my partners have hair I can play with. A cute happy trail." — coopie_is_stinky
"When you’re picking hair out of your teeth when you’re supposed to be cuddling, that’s where I mention something. It doesn’t have to be pornstar shaved. A putting green is nice for aesthetics and tactile sensation." — okamikitsune_
"Kitty shaved is much more pleasant, I don't like my tongue to be tangled lol But armpits, legs etc. I don't care! Not completely shaved, just trimmed." — Tokiwi
"If my mouth is going there i want to shaved, if not i couldnt care less." — HurtMeMommy1
Hairy butch lesbians are SEXY!

WestEnd61/Getty Images
"I’m femme4butch and my butch is very hairy, I love it, armpits, legs, happy trail, bush…all of it is profoundly attractive to me, I wouldn’t want it tamed at all haha." — Ok-Cheesecake-9437
Sometimes a full bush is best.

Iryna Kalamurza/Getty Images
"All I can say is that there’s no such thing as too much hair, as long as it’s well maintained and clean. I personally trim mine (and shave during the summer months) because I don’t have the patience to keep a full bush presentable" — Wannabe_CumsIut
"i dont expect nor want my girlfriend to shave anything and she doesnt for me either" — angelbehindu
"i would never express my personal preference to my partner honestly i love that shit so thick i could use it as a paintbrush" — femmd
"Just please don’t shave it all. The infantilised look does nothing for me personally, in fact is a major turn off." — MediocreExcellence12
"I dislike body hair for the most part but tbh I think it's really hot when a woman has pubes, even a full bush. Idm shaved or unshaved though." — ObsidianPizza
Shave it all off!

"Shaved is the best personally, but I can handle a few days of stubble." — MajesticShake4397
"I prefer no hair. I don’t like hair in my mouth" — Feeling-Maybe895
"I want to be able to get up for water without scissors" — abandonsminty
The hairier the better!

""It's Never Enoooouugh!!" -Loren Allred, as part of the hit motion picture The Greatest Showman." — Ironic_Laughter
"no such thing as too much 🤷🏻♀️" — dwightschrut333
"I totally don’t mind the hair. I just open it up with my fingers if necessary, which I do anyways cause it improves sensation." — TwoGoldRings21
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