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7 Queer Goals To Accomplish Before You're 30

7 Queer Goals To Accomplish Before You're 30

7 Queer Goals To Accomplish Before You're 30

Photo: A and N Photography/Shutterstock

Thirty might be closer for some of us than others, but regardless of our ages, all of us queer babes should be thinking about where we want our lives to be when we get there. And the sooner the better, am I right?

The days of being a 20-something are mostly spent trying to figure out what adulthood is all about, but unless you set some goals you’ll soon be celebrating your dirty 30, wondering where your 20s, and your life plans went. Here are a few to start your list:

7. Make queer friends who appreciate you for you.


6. Discover and curate your own sense of style,


For the street and the office.

5. Explore hairstyles until you find one that suits you.


4. Read atleast 25 books by queer authors.


3. Find a city you love, feel safe in, and have queer friends in.


2. Find an amazing apartment in said city.


Don't let this be you, getting shamed for living in a shoebox at 30. 

1. Find a way to engage with a queer community — whatever that means for you.


Join a book club, write a blog, join a league or volunteer in your community! Just find a way to engage with the community you're apart of every once in a while.

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Briana Gonzalez

<p>A proud, queer, Latina, identical twin with a penchant for brash humans and things that make me cough laugh.</p>

<p>A proud, queer, Latina, identical twin with a penchant for brash humans and things that make me cough laugh.</p>