Drag Race alum Tatianna was banned from Twitter yesterday after slamming conservative bobblehead Tomi Lahren.
After Taylor Swift came out in support of LGBTQ rights and endorsed Democratic candidates in her home state of Tennesse, Trump supporter and Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren made a feeble attempt to call out the pop star.
“Taylor, you’re wrong," Lahren tweeted. "I’m so Marsha Blackburn ALL the way. Let’s be clear, I’m not with Taylor and I’m not with Kanye. I’m not for celebrities that pop off of shit they don’t understand. Period.”
Tatianna took it upon herself to show Lahren the hypocrisy of her words.
“But wait you dumb fucking bitch," the Drag Race legend replied. "Wasn’t Donald a fucking reality star? Aren’t you out here to become a fucking celeb? Trash ass bitch.”
Twitter promptly suspended Tatianna's account for violating their rules against abusive behavior.
“LOL! I’m in twitter jail!” she posted on Instagram while she was banned. “@twitter I didn’t threaten or harass… just responded to a dumb ass tweet from a trash ass bitch lol. See u in 12 hours twitter.”
Tatianna's account has been reinstated since the incident.