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dating advice

15 signs the guy you like isn't boyfriend material

Sometimes it's just not meant to be.

25 things I've learned after using Grindr for years

After being on the app for a while, you learn a thing or two...

10 tips for a better long-distance relationship

LDRs suck, but they can still work out!

15 Dating Tips For Gay Introverts, How To Get The Guy Even When You're Shy

Because dating is already hard enough as it is!

15 First Date Tips That Will Help You Get A Second

A second date is never guaranteed! Here's how to nail your first impression with that special someone!

15 Tips That Will Help Your Relationship Get Past The One Year Mark

Always find yourself short of reaching the one year mark? These tidbits of advice may help.

Here’s The Zodiac Sign To Avoid If You’re Ready To Fall In Love

This is the sign you’re least compatible with romantically, so swipe left no matter how hot they are!

Here’s The Zodiac Sign You’ll Have The Most Soulmate Potential With

Ready to meet ‘the one’? Here’s the zodiac sign to swipe right on!

12 Tips To Help You Tell Her How You Feel

You know your heart is fluttering when you're around her, but your tongue is tied. Here's how to loosen it up.

12 Questions You Wish You Could Ask Your New Boyfriend's Ex

It would be nice to get the insight...

8 Tips for Gay/Bi Men Who Never Had a Serious Boyfriend (But Want One)

It might be time to delete Grindr....

10 Awkward Things That Happen When You're Flirting At The Gym

Don't let these flirting mishaps stomp on your game.

How To Date A Girl: 15 Ways To Woo Your First Date

No need to be nervous about your first date. Just be yourself!

Here' How to Use Grindr (Without Losing Your Mind)

Believe it or not, it's totally possible!