Model and activist Nyle DiMarco is the executive producer of Deaf U, a groundbreaking new reality series showcasing the lives of a group of Deaf students attending Gallaudet University, a private college for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Washington, D.C.
"As the group of friends navigate the high, lows, and hookups of college life together, their stories offer an unprecedented, unfiltered, and often unexpected look inside Deaf community," the official description of the show reads.
Watching the trailer, it's clear almost immediately we've never seen a show like this before. The two-minute peek dives into issues of identity, obstacles Deaf people face in the hearing world, preservation of culture and community, and perhaps the most explicitly, sex and dating.
"Gallaudet's undergrads are 700 women and 300 guys," one queer girl explains. "And the women here are just wow."
Deaf Upremieres October 9 on Netflix. Watch the trailer below!