Beloved animated series Rick and Morty is back for a fifth season and fans are convinced one of the main characters are queer.
In a new episode, "Mort Dinner Rick Andre", Beth and Jerry are feeling very frisky, so much so another character named Mr Nimbus AKA The King of the Ocean asks if they're interested a threesome.
According to Digital Spy, "Jerry is fascinated by Nimbus throughout this episode, even worrying at one point that he might fall in love with the Sea King." The publication is celebrating Jerry "finally act[ing] on his queer desires in a threesome with Beth and Nimbus."
There was already speculation since season two that he was queer, when Jerry pursues a relationship with Sleepy Gary in what we later learned was an implanted parasite memory, but Jerry mourns their relationship once learning Sleepy Gary didn't exist at all.
It's hard to give Jerry a label like bisexual or queer since he hasn't actually self-identified as anything and there are people out there who act on participate in threesomes but still identify as straight.
But fans are eager for representation, and if some LGBTQ+ and straight folks alike can see themselves in Jerry, more power to them!