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16-Foot Snake Slithers Into Woman's Home

16-Foot Snake Slithers Into Woman's Home

16-Foot Snake Slithers Into Woman's Home

"We've got a visitor, and it's ... huge!"


Have you ever woke up to a 16-foot mega-serpent slithering across your bedframe? Trina Hibberd from Queensland, Australia has and it was the stuff of nightmares. Apparently, she found a Scrub Python (aka Amethyst or Amethystine Python) gliding across her wall using the picture frames for support. 

In the video, you can clearly hear Hibberd say, “Ok, we’ve got a visitor, and it’s fucking huge. I mean, no, it’s very big … It goes all the way down over the hat stand. It is massive. Oh god.”

After following the snake like a Discovery Channel cameraperson, Hibberd corralled it in her guest bedroom because that's what you do when a giant snake slides in for a visit. 

If that's not terrifying enough, Hibberd believes the snake has been living on her roof for the last four years. 

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