Here are the two latest episodes of Sasamekikoto, the new Japanese lesbian anime from Sasamekikoto is a comedy-drama that explores many of the common tropes of the "Girls Love," or "Yuri," genre. Sasamekikoto is running on Japanese TV right now and we are pleased to share it with SheWired readers!
Episode 8: Ripple
Sumika’s classmate, Aoi Azusa, is a fanatic fan of the author, “Orino Masaka.” For some reason, Sumika is mistaken for a fellow fan. Knowing the truth about “Orino Masaka,” which is that he is Ushio’s older brother Norio, Sumika tries to stray the conversation away, since Azusa wholeheartedly believes that the author is a woman. On the way back to class, Sumika accidentally falls on top of Azusa. Ushio passes by and witnesses Sumika on top of Azusa. Sumika chases after Ushio, who leaves the scene without saying a word. When Sumika catches up to Ushio, she sees Ushio crying. Sumika does not know what to do and is in shock from the whole ordeal.
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Miss the first few episodes? Watch episode one, episodes two and three, episode four, episodes five and six and episode seven to catch up!
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