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20 guys whose cosplay we love for um...reasons

We're suddenly really into cosplay now... *gulps*

15 Images of Spectacular Cosplay At 2023 San Diego Comic-Con

Iconic characters from every corner of the multiverse came out to play.

Why We’re Hooked On Plastique Tiara & Wouldn’t Want It Any Other Way

The drag and social media superstar sat down with PRIDE to talk videogames, dating, and why they were so excited to do a Hooked On You cosplay.  

Cosplayers Turned Looks at LA Comic Con's Triumphant, Nerdy Return

After two years, Los Angeles' annual pop culture convention is finally back — and nerdier than ever!

Symone's Team Rocket Cosplay Is a Nerdy, Queer Dream Come True

If you don't already stan the Drag Race season 13 queen, what are you doing with your life?!?

8 Queer Couples Costumes That Haven't Been Done to Death

You can twin with each other, but we'll help you avoid accidentally twinning with any other couples this Halloween.

This Sailor Neptune Cosplayer Doesn't Care What Haters Think

"Cosplay gives you the opportunity to be whatever you want to be. Take this chance," says French cosplayer Leo Bane.

Can Nerds Be Sexy? This Artist's Photos Prove They Are

Photographer Fwee Carter wants to change the way we look at nerds—one sexy photograph at a time.

Disney World Cast Member Had the Best Reaction to Cute BB-8 Cosplayer

A young, cute Star Wars fan met BB8 while dressed as BB-8, and this Disney World employee's heart was filled with so much joy! 

19 Iconic Lesbians You Should Dress Up As For Halloween

Let's pay tribute to our fave lesbian ladies this Halloween.

'Hot Nerd Fall' Was in Full Swing at LA Comic Con 2019

Megan Thee Stallion was right—fall is for the nerds!

11 San Diego Comic-Con Attendees Explain Why They Love Cosplay

We asked some con-goers at this year's SDCC why they love cosplay so much!

55 of San Diego Comic-Con 2019's Best Cosplay Looks

The cosplayers at this year's SDCC held nothing back and served up some seriously detailed, realistic, and super-powered ensembles!

These 'She-Ra' Cosplayers Got Engaged & Now We Believe in Love Again


LA Comic Con Cosplayers Served So Many Fierce Looks

Every year the cosplay looks at LA Comic Con keep getting better and better! And 2018 was no exception!

Why Do LGBT People Love Anime?

We asked queer cosplayers at Anime Expo 2018 why they love anime and geek culture so much!

55 Fierce Cosplay Looks from Anime Expo 2018

The weather at Los Angelels' annual Anime Expo was hot—but the cosplay was even hotter.

What Does It Mean to Be an LGBT Cosplayer?

Anime Central attendees tell PRIDE what being a queer cosplayer means to them.