A movie adaptation of 90s Painkiller Jane is slotted for production directed by directors Jen and Sylvia Soska, known as the Soska Sisters. Events Comics, created by Jimmy Palmiotti and Joe Quesada, announced the horror-movie producing twin team would be directing in the midst San Diego Comic Con. The Soska sister have a cult following for their female-centered projects and their skills for producing horror films. They’re best known for their 2012 horror film American Mary.
The story line revolves around character PainKiller Jane, also known as Jane Vasko, a bisexual policewomen turned super hero after being tortured undercover leaving her with regenerating powers and a high tolerance for pain. Painkiller Jain is no stranger to on screen adaptations having been brought to SyFy twice, once in 2005 as a film and then again in 2007 in a SyFy Tv series.
The cast and release date have yet to be announced.