In a segment that aired during yesterday morning's Fox & Friends Sunday, cohosts Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris lounged in recliners, alongside Dan Silberman, president of Mancaves, a company that builds these custom spaces. Morris observed that Game Day would be incomplete "without some great food and some great drinks."
That's when the manly men turned their attention to Anna Kooiman, a female co-anchor tucked behind an island covered in food and drinks.
"So, basically you're telling me that the guys are in the mancave, and the lady gets stuck in the kitchen, huh?" quipped Kooiman from the beverage station, where she stood with celebrity chef Jake Jackson. Rather than seize the opportunity to push back on her coworkers' gender stereotyping, Kooiman changed gears. "I'm just kidding," she said. "You guys relax over there!"
Jackson, in a bid to assert his masculinity, proclaimed, "I'm a man. I love manly stuff, and so I start you off with meat!"
This isn't the first time Fox News has used the Super Bowl as an opportunity to remind women of their place. During last year's game, Fox & Friends Sunday's Dave Briggs slammed anyone who tries to talk through the big game. "If you want to yap," Briggs said, according to Media Matters, you should do so "with the ladies in the kitchen!"
Watch the video below.
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