The Wanda Sykes Show, featuring the out comedian as host and executive producer, begins the second half of its first season February 27. The show, with Sykes' unique brand of irreverent, no-holds-barred humor, features a celebrity panel format and airs Saturdays, 11 to midnight on Fox.
Sykes talked about a wide range of topics during a recent conference call promoting the show.
About her show guests:
Honestly we have been able to get any guests we wanted... were have been able to get Sade who I really, really wanted ... if they are funny and they have a point of view then I'm fine...
Biggest surprise with the show:
What we have been able to do...I really didn't think that we would get away with some of the things that we have gotten away with... how far that Fox is letting us go. Their concern is more... hey don't piss off advertisers but as long as we don't name names or brand names, we have a wide birth over here... I am enjoying it
Celebrities coming out:
I think you should do it when it is right for you. If you have to hide something, I think that hurts your creativity ...I think it depends on the person... it has to be about your comfort level ... you'll know.
The censors:
I am having fun keeping the censors on their toes ... so far we are really getting along but we do try to push her
Family and work balance:
The first four or five episodes it was really hard... hard on the family. My wife is very understanding and she works also so it's rough... we have help. Now that the show is running smoother I get to go home at 9 or 10 at the latest .. I spend the mornings with them... we are working it out...
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