Before Miss Rona took over the world and forced all of us to spend most of our time at home in self-isolation and quarantine, flirting was something you can do easily by striking up a conversation with someone or simply smiling at them. But since face masks and coverings are being worn by many good citizens while out in public, our ability to convey attraction to someone via oral cues has been...kinda hindered. So how do we remedy this conundrum when it comes to public flirting, you ask?
Duh! Winking!
That's the answer comedian and content creator Michael Henry provides in his latest YouTube skit all about winking, and the right way to do it.
"Why don't you just say 'hello' to guys?" Michael's friend Andrew (fellow YouTuber Andrew Neighbors) asks about the need for nonverbal flirting/communication in the first place.
"Because that's not coy, and I'm coy!" Michael responds.
Later on in the sketch, Andrew reveals that he can't wink, and when Michael asks how he manages to flirt with guys, Andrew demonstrates by...taking off his shirt and revealing his ripped physique.
Yup, that'll do it.
Watch Michael Henry's latest sketch below!