Gird your loins, Marvel fans! Did Captain Marvelactress Brie Larson just casually hint at being gay?!?
In her most recent video posted to her YouTube channel, the 31-year-old, Oscar-winning actress takes on the fun challenge of taking online quizzes about herself...
...and one clip from the video, in particular, has queer Captain Marvel stans in a tizzy.
When answering a multiple-choice question about how her ten-year-old self would be spending an hour-long recess break at school, Brie casually picks the answer that says "I'd probably be on the computer library researching 'how do I know if I'm gay?'" (A situation many, many young LGBTQ+ experienced during their childhoods when they were starting to realize their sexualities.)
While we know answering questions on a quiz obviously isn't a total, 100 percent confirmation of anyone's sexuality, Brie's fanbase is still (rightfully) freaking out about the prospect and took to the internet to voice their excitement...
Until she officially says something, we can't assume anything about her identity or sexuality, but whatever happens, this is (and will always be) a Brie Larson stan account!