Cindy McCain Lands on Anderson Cooper's 'Ridiculist' for DADT Flip Flop: Video
Cindy McCain earned a position on "The Ridiculist," a new hypocrisy-exposing segment on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, for an about-face on “don’t ask, don’t tell” that Cooper called “one of the most brazen flips-flops we’ve seen in years.” Cooper pointed out Mrs. McCain’s recent appearance in an ad for the No H8 campaign, where she stated her forceful opposition to the military ban. The announcement created buzz because her husband, Sen. John McCain, has vowed to lead a filibuster to prevent the discriminatory policy from being repealed during the lame-duck session of Congress, which started this week.
November 16 2010 9:50 AM EST
December 09 2022 9:12 AM EST