1. You could quote Clueless like a pro.
"I totally paused!"
2. You were super jelly that your girl friends could wear jellies.
Even if they weren't practical.
3. You actually had girlfriends.
Oh, Gordo.
4. You SLAYED at talent shows.
5. You wanted your first cell phone to be a Dream Phone!
Too much fun!
6. You could rock a suit harder than your dad.
"I be on my suit and tie."
7. You had a poster of JTT in your room.
Because, you know, he was really good as Simba in The Lion King.
8. You were Aladdin for Halloweeen... three years in a row.
Dat chest, tho!
9. You actually asked for a Skip-It for Christmas.
You know the commercial jingle by heart.
10. You had more Gelly Roll pens than your Trapper Keeper could handle.
And don't even get us started on the metallic ones.
11. The JCPenny underwear insert in the Sunday paper always went missing.
Because reasons.
12. You made sure everyone knew your heart would go on.
13. You hated when the McDonald’s drive-thru employee asked “Is this toy for a boy or a girl?”
You already had all the Batman toys, you wanted to start on the Sky Dancers!
14. Sky dancers.
Whatever. They made great anti-sibling weapons.
15. You loved Tomb Raider. A lot.
Lara Croft. Delivering fierce realness since 1996.
16. You not-so-secretly watched episodes of Will & Grace.
Somehow you knew Karen Walker was your spirit animal.
17. You were just too darn cute to be anything else.