Activists made a statement at yesterday's final World Series face-off between the Red Sox and the Dodgers.
From the left field, members of the TransLatin@ Coalition dropped a 20x15 transgender pride flag that read "TRANS PEOPLE DESERVE TO LIVE" mid-game.
"I felt my heart was dropping along with it," the president of the advocacy organization, Bamby Salcedo, told INTO. “I hope that this action will motivate members of the trans community, our allies and our comrades to really activate and to really understand that we have power. We can demonstrate our power anywhere and everywhere.”
Just one week ago, the New York Times reported on a Trump Administration memo that would define sex as only traits identifiable at birth and fixed on a birth certificate unless "rebutted by reliable genetic evidence." The memo would effectively exclude transgender people from the legal equal rights protections currently in place.
The banner was up for fifteen or so minutes before security took it down and escorted the group out of the park.
While Fox chose not to show the moment on TV, images of the banner have gone viral all over social media. Salcedo and the TransLatin@ Coalition made their statement and it has already made an impact.