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5 Reasons Visiting the Doctor While Trans Sucks

5 Reasons Visiting the Doctor While Trans Sucks

5 Reasons Visiting the Doctor While Trans Sucks

Many people don't realize one of the biggest obstacles transgender people face occurs in doctor's offices. For many trans folks, a big part of transition requires medical assistance. Even in a setting that's supposed to heal, we often face discrimination and insensitive people. Here are five reasons visiting the doctor while trans can be a real PITA (pain in the ass). 

1. Binary forms

You have to pick one: male or female? 

2. Sex is not gender

Sometimes, doctors and their staff will misgender and treat you poorly because of what's between your legs, disregarding how you present, feel, or live.

3. Most doctors are cisgender

When you feel vulnerable, sympathy is a wonderful remedy. But trans doctors, although ideal for transitioning patients, would be ideal but they're hard to find. I've disclosed my trans status to doctors and received blank stares from everyone in the room. They asked invasive questions, and sometimes assume "transgender" means "lesbian." 

4. Stereotyping

Doctors can be bias, especially if they are uneducated or transphobic. Some attempt to downplay past traumas, shame you, or push you into uncomfortable exams. There's no such thing as an emergency pap smear, and, if you haven't been sexually active since the last time you were tested, you don't need an STD test unless you think it's necessary.

5. Trans broken arm syndrome

Many providers assume a trans person is in their office because they are on hormone replacement therapy. Some doctors write health concerns off and presume they're caused by being transgender. Trans broken arm syndrome is "when healthcare providers assume that all medical issues are a result of a person being trans. Everything – from mental health problems to, yes, broken arms."

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Basil Soper

Basil Soper is a transgender writer, activist, and Southerner who wears his heart on his sleeve. He's an astrology enthusiast and tears up when he watches unexpected-animal-friend videos on the internet. Basil's life goals are to write a memoir and be the best uncle ever to his niece, Penelope. Learn more about Basil at

Basil Soper is a transgender writer, activist, and Southerner who wears his heart on his sleeve. He's an astrology enthusiast and tears up when he watches unexpected-animal-friend videos on the internet. Basil's life goals are to write a memoir and be the best uncle ever to his niece, Penelope. Learn more about Basil at