Out lesbian Kim Stolz managed to make it to fifth place in cycle fiveof America's Next Top Model. That's not bad, but it's about time oneof the 'family' made it all the way to the top. Maybe cycle 13 willprove to be the lucky season for the newest out lesbian ANTMcontestant - Lulu.
Cycle 13 of America's Next Top Model debuts on September 9 andfeatures a special theme this year. All of the girls on this seasonwill be *gasp* 5'7" or under - bucking the convention that models mustbe Amazon tall to conquer a runway (Kate Moss is only 5’6-ish afterall). We had the plus size model winner, now Tyra Banks is going tomake darn sure we have a short girl winner too! It'll be nice tofantasize about the gorgeous girls on the show this season withouthaving to imagine to standing on tiptoes to snog them.
Even better, this season includes a fabulously out lesbian contestantby the name of Lulu. Lulu is a 19-year-old student from Brooklyn, NY,5'7" and as she says in a preview clip of ANTM cycle 13 - "gay!" She'salso pretty damned adorable to boot.
We hate to root for someone just because they're on our team... butwhat the hell, she is cute. We can only hope we'll see some KimStolz-style straight girl seducing going on once again in the ANTMhouse.