Is your timeline filled with pics and posts of all your friends gushing over move-in day? Has your campus never looked as beautiful as it does right now—just as summer slowly turns to autumn?? Are you crying yet???
Did you also just recently graduate college? Then guess what! You probably have back-to-school FOMO (or, the fear of missing out).
The first three months after graduating feel like any other three months. Except you now realize your job isn’t an internship and there’s no end date. It’s what you do now. And if you want to get out of living with your parents, you actually need to find an apartment with the slightly above minimum wage salary your diploma got you. Winter break is history, and if you were spoiled and had an October break, that’s long gone too. THIS IS REAL LIFE, PEOPLE.
Here are seven thoughts recent college grads have as they see all their friends head back to college.
1. Why did I graduate? I could have easily failed my senior seminar!
2. I would kill to live in a building with friends. They don’t even know how good they have it. 
3. Am I never going to learn anything again? I think my brain is rotting...
4. Did my campus always look this beautiful?
5. Holy shit, I haven't had sex since college.
6. Wait, this job is actually going to keep going? Is this seriously my life now?
7. Just one more year. One more. Even a semester would do.
Yup, sometime it's okay to admit that you miss college.