Have you ever just been going about your day, commuting to work, shopping, picking up your coffee, when your private thoughts are interrupted by a bible thumper suggesting that you’re going to hell? And you just let it go because it takes too much energy to argue with a zealot? Well, Orange Is the New Black star Lea Delaria is that person who has enough energy to argue with a zealot, and that’s just what she did on a subway in New York City.
“Other people believe other things and have every right to believe other things on this planet and in this world. We do not have to be force fed this man’s religious beliefs,” Lea stated on the train full of people who’d been listening to an evangelical spout the bible for their daily commute.
“You show me where Jesus told you to do this,” Lea adds, before telling the man she’d had 12 years of Catholic school and knows every line of the Bible.
She went on to say that she would keep talking as long as he did. “If you want to press your faith go on to another train!”
Watch Lea below:
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