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31 Ways to Combat Your Post-Pride Blues

31 Ways to Combat Your Post-Pride Blues

31 Ways to Combat Your Post-Pride Blues

Pride Month may be over, but the party shouldn’t stop!


Pride Month is a time for celebration, letting loose, feeling bold, feeling beautiful, and loving yourself on the inside and out. This insane sense of euphoria is indescribable. However, no matter how colorful and glorious Pride Month is...all good things must come to end eventually.  

But not to worry! We are here to help you battle those post-Pride blues. With the help of these 31 Pride-hacks, you’re not letting 364 days get in the way of having a gay old time all year long!

1. Lip sync in your living room

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2. Attend a drag show

3. Dress in drag

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Even just a pair of heels. 

4. Get on Grindr

5. Make it a goal to find friends who embody every letter of LGBTQ+

6. Buy a bathing suit you’d typically never wear

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7. Book a Pride trip for next year

8. Book a Pride trip for next week

9. Watch every episode of UNHhhh

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10. Volunteer

It doesn't have to be manual labor, but there are a variety of opportunities to help out at your local LGBT Center. 

11. Get tested

I know it sounds scary now, but you'll never feel more empowered than after it's all over with. 

12. Binge-watch RuPaul’s Drag Race

13. Binge-watch The L Word

 14. Binge-watch anything to be honest

 15. Buy tickets to a music festival

Music festivals boast a lot of the same sentiments as Pride festivals: acceptance, fun, music, friendship, and comradery amongst attendees. 

 16. Embrace your relationship status

Whether your in a relationship or single AF, embrace it. Never question where you're supposed to be in your love life. 

 17. Invite an ally to next year’s festival NOW. Your parents? Siblings? Co-workers?

 18. Make a gay AF playlist

 19. Attend a circuit party

Yes, even if you're a woman. Side goal: BE THE ONLY GIRL IN THE CLUB. 

20. Experiment sexually

With kinks, fetishes, positions, whatever you feel comfortable with. 

21. FINALLY talk to your crush

22. Join a gay sports league

23. Go out on a weekday

24. Experiment with your look

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25. Experiment with your masculinity/femininity

26. Throw on a movie-musical or a classic Disney VHS


28. Buy a rainbow flag

29. Get political/protest

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30. Come out to those you haven’t to yet


Happy Pride everyone!

The Pride Store HalloweenOut / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff and Wayne Brady

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Alexander Kirk

Alexander is a pop culture fanatic, who loves travelling, Taylor Swift and slaying Twitter, tweet by tweet.

Alexander is a pop culture fanatic, who loves travelling, Taylor Swift and slaying Twitter, tweet by tweet.