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20 Queer Q's with Ty Sunderland

20 Queer Q's with Ty Sunderland

20 Queer Q's with Ty Sunderland

The NYC-based DJ and event producer sits down with Joe Rodriguez for a round of 20 Queer Q's!


The 20 Queer Q's series seeks to capture LGBTQ+ individuals (and allies) in a moment of authenticity. We get to know the subjects, what makes them who they are, and what they value.

The goal of these intimate conversations is to leave you, the reader, feeling like you just gained a new friend, a new perspective, and that you learned something new about or saw a different side of someone—maybe someone that you don’t see online, but someone that’s maybe like you.

This week, PRIDE gets to know NYC-based DJ and event producer Ty Sunderland. He’s known for his themed parties throughout New York and the more popular artist-centric themed party boats during the warmer seasons! Learn about the advice he has for LGBTQ+ youth, what he’d like to be remembered for, who he'd invite over for a dinner party, and more! 


Name: Ty Sunderland

Age: 29

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him

Sexually Identifies As: Gay

What do you love about the LGBTQ+ community?

For me, it’s like a social group, a support group, a family. It’s everything.

Talk about your first queer kiss?

His name was Lucas. I was 20. It was in Orlando, Flordia. We’d been talking for a whole, he was bi and I was figuring it out. We were up late one night and were just crashing at my friend’s place and he came up and kissed me. I kind of knew it was gonna happen, it felt like butterflies. I feel giddy thinking about it. 

What are your thoughts on dating in the LGBTQ+ community? 

I think it’s hard in cities. We have so many options, we’re so busy, we have so much going on, there are so many people and there’s this kind of energy of why settle? There’s always something better on the horizon and I’m trying to train myself to not have that mentality and to open myself up to dating. 

What does Pride mean to you?

I think it’s just being proud to be who you are, proud to be different.

Who is someone you consider to be an LGBTQ+ icon?

Ina Garten is a quintessential cool aunt who knew you were gay and was cool with it. If she was my aunt, she would’ve been the first person I came out to.

What’s a song you consider to be an LGBTQ+ anthem?

"Stronger" by Britney Spears. I think it’s so powerful and it’s about taking ownership of who you are and your identity. 

What’s the advice you have for LGBTQ+ youth?

Don’t get so bogged down on your own labels. Be open to exploring. 

Favorite drink to order at a bar?

I’m a tequila soda type of girl. 

What are your thoughts on people who say masc4masc?

It’s so dumb, silly, and more performative than a theatre gay. 

Fill in the blank: Love is _______.

Out there, you just have to be open to it. 

What is something you want to change about yourself in the next 6 months?

I want to slow down and go on more dates. 

What do you feel most insecure about?

My body.

What are you most confident about?

My job. I know how to throw a party.

Have you found your chosen family? How do they make you feel?

Yes, they definitely ground me and are quick to be like, “you’re being ridiculous and need to calm down” and are there for me during tough times. 

How would you like to be remembered?

As someone who people went to for a good time. That I could offer people short escapes from reality. 

Fill in the blank: In 5 years, I want to _________.

Own some clubs and bars.

Pick 2 people to invite to dinner. Who would you invite?

Britney Spears and Kim Petras.

What song makes you feel the most confident and makes you feel better about yourself?

"Birthday" by Katy Perry.

Sunrise or sunset?


What value/quality has your queerness given you? 

It’s definitely given me confidence that I might not have had. There are so many people saying “yes” and building you up that I don’t think you’d find in a straight community.


Keep up with Ty over on Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date on his upcoming parties! 

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Joe Rodriguez