Comedian, editor, and Teen Vogue's entertainment features editor Gabe Bergado sits down with PRIDE's Joe Rodriguez for a round of 20 Queer Q's!
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Comedian, editor, and Teen Vogue's entertainment features editor Gabe Bergado sits down with PRIDE's Joe Rodriguez for a round of 20 Queer Q's!
The 20 Queer Q's series seeks to capture LGBTQ+ individuals (and allies) in a moment of authenticity. We get to know the subjects, what makes them who they are, and what they value.
The goal of these intimate conversations is to leave you, the reader, feeling like you just gained a new friend, a new perspective, and that you learned something new about or saw a different side of someone—maybe someone that you don’t see online, but someone that’s maybe like you.
In this round of 20 Queer Q’s, we get to know comedian, editor, and Teen Vogue's very own entertainment features editor Gabe Bergado! Learn about what his queerness his given him, what Pride means to him, how difficult it is to make queer friends, and more!
Name: Gabe Bergado
Age: 27
Preferred Pronouns: He/him/his
Sexually Identifies As: Gay
What do you love about the LGBTQ+ community?
One of the pros and difficulties is that it’s so wide-ranging and diverse. The community encapsulates so many people and because of that, sometimes it’s difficult to navigate and some parts of the community aren’t considerate of other parts. But when we do come together, it’s a beautiful thing to see people of all genders and sexualities come together to fight. I think it also has some of the best art, I love some of the art that comes out of the queer community.
Do you think it’s hard to make queer friends?
Overall, no. For me, I just overthink it, but I think there are so many avenues to meet queer people especially with the internet. As someone who grew up with Xanga and Tumblr, I loved those networks because it felt safe and that’s where I felt like I could dabble with my queerness. I met a lot of cool people that I still talk to. So it’s not hard, I just think you have to be a little more vulnerable.
What does Pride mean to you?
I think it takes a lot of different shapes. I’m someone who gets anxious in public settings so the parade can be stressful, but Pride can take shape in a lot of different ways whether that’s through activism, the way you dress, your work, your art. I think it’s funny, I’m thankful that we have the Pride parade and Pride Month, but Pride is a lifelong journey and takes different shapes and forms throughout that.
What’s a song you consider to be an LGBTQ+ anthem?
"Heaven Is a Place on Earth" by Belinda Carlisle. I think that song has taken on a new meaning with San Junipero. It’s so joyous and I think we have to build our own havens here on earth.
What advice do you have for LGBTQ+ youth?
It’s fine to take your time, it’s good to stay in your lane, and look forward to what you want. Also, what you want might change over the years and how you think your life will be when your 24 will change.
Do you believe in love?
Favorite drink to order at a bar?
Dirty vodka martini.
What are the values that you look for in an ideal partner?
Honesty, wit, compassion.
Use 3-5 words to describe your coming out experience.
College, Christmas, cake, tears.
Is there an LGBTQ+ TV show or movie that has had a great impact on you?
Fill in the blank: When you think of comfort you think of _________.
What’s your earliest memory that you felt you were different?
Just liking the Pink Power Ranger because she was a bad bitch with her gymnastics.
What do you feel most insecure about?
My body.
What do you feel most confident about?
My sense of humor.
On a grading scale from F-A, how is life for you right now?
I’m thankful for a lot of things so, A.
What are deal breakers for you when dating someone?
Cigarettes and being rude to service people
How much does your LGBTQ+ identity play into your overall identity?
I think it touches every aspect of it, whether that’s my career, my identity as a biracial man, and as a creative in Brooklyn. I think my queerness touches every part of me.
How would you like to be remembered?
As someone who makes people laugh in a smart way.
Would you call yourself self-assured?
Working on it.
What value/quality has being queer given you? What have you gained?
Just taking things in good humor. There will always be a tomorrow and just taking whatever madness the day has thrown at you and internalize it or figure out how you’re going to move on.
Keep up with Gabe with his work on Teen Vogue and be sure to follow him on Twitter and Instagram!