Photo: Brooke Cagle
One of the hardest things about being bisexual is constantly feeling excluded, invalidated, and like you don’t really “count.” From both queer and straight people, we hear about how we’re faking it, how we just need to choose, or how we’re going through a phase. As a result, we find strength in numbers and within the bi community, because the LGBTQ community as a whole just doesn’t always cut it.
The #BiCommunityMeans hashtag is bringing to light what it really means to be a part of the bi community, and it’s so important. Here are a few of our favorite tweets!
1. Challenging each other, and ourselves
2. Being supported
3. Validating each other
4. Open communication
5. Focusing on the needs of bi folks
6. Being connected all over the world
7. Not doubting bisexuality
8. Finding a safe space
9. Not being afraid
10. Knowing there’s nothing wrong with you
11. Finding love and inclusion
12. And finally, the tweet that started it all, finding hope.
Read the rest of the tweets by scrolling through the tag! And tell us: what does bi community mean to you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments and on Twitter!