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Feminist-Hero Furiosa Responds to Gavin McInnes'  Women Are "Less Ambitious" Comment

Feminist-Hero Furiosa Responds to Gavin McInnes' Women Are 'Less Ambitious' Comment

Feminist-Hero Furiosa Responds to Gavin McInnes'  Women Are 'Less Ambitious' Comment

Mad Max: Fury Road comes out this weekend, and Charlize Theron's character, Furiosa, is the ultimate badass. In the movie, she frees sex slaves who are being held captive by a warlord. Theron spoke at the Cannes Film Festival about how audiences are calling the film a 'feminst' film and she responded by saying, "I think George [Lucas] didn't have a feminist agenda up his sleeve, and I think that's what makes the story even more powerful, especially how the women are represented in it."

Gavin McInnes, famous for making transphobic comments on Thought Catalog last year, and for saying other generally problematic comments, went on Fox News yesterday to try to explain to the world his opinion (which no one really wants to hear, tbh) about women. 

Here's how Furiosa would respond to McInnes ridiculous comments:

"Most women are happier at home. They are pretending that they like working and they’re not making money because they don’t stay all night at the office. They don’t go the extra mile."

*SENDS CHARLIZE REACTION GIF TO MCINNES* I'm pretty sure she likes her job; she kicks ass and saves the world from tyrants for a living. Just a thought.

"Feminism has made women miserable. Women were much happier when housewives were glorified."

McInnes has no idea what the word "feminism" means. I imagine he's using an outdated dictionary — just like his opinion. 

"If you were a real feminist you would support housewives and see them as the heroes and women who work wasting their time."

Is McInnes saying housewives don't work? His logic doesn't make sense. Furiosa is busy saving the post-apocalyptic world — she has not time for trolls. 

"Women do earn less in American because they choose to. They would rather go to their daughter's piano recital than stay all night at work, working on a proposal, so they end up earning less. They're less ambitious."

If anyone needs to see Mad Max, it's McInnes. Furiosa should text him this GIF and be like, "Less ambitious? You haven't met me, bb." 

"Women do earn less in American because they choose to," he said. "They would rather go to their daughter's piano recital than stay all night at work, working on a proposal, so they end up earning less. They're less ambitious."

For this role, Theron shaved her head, and while McInnes makes stupid comments, it stirs conversation around the media's Furiosa coverage. Everyone's hung up on the fact that Furioss looks 'masculine.' But, we've all been there, kneeling in the desert, griping about people who try to corner us with societal norms and antiquated ideas about femininity and gender.
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Yezmin Villarreal

<p>Yezmin always has a coffee in her hand. She&#39;s a writer from Phoenix, AZ, who is interested in the intersection of race, sex, and gender in pop culture.</p>

<p>Yezmin always has a coffee in her hand. She&#39;s a writer from Phoenix, AZ, who is interested in the intersection of race, sex, and gender in pop culture.</p>