Sapphic sex can be hot, magical, and completely unforgettable, but it’s also hard work!
Between remembering when to breathe when you’re getting to work downstairs, your tongue cramping, your wrist starting to hurt, or losing stamina when you’re scissoring or strapping, there are just as many ways sex can go wrong as it can go deliciously right.
But never fear because lesbians are as generous with their sex advice tips as they are as lovers. So whether you’re a baby dyke, a late-in-life lesbian, or someone just looking to up your bedroom game, there are plenty of ways to increase your stamina so you can go for longer without huffing and puffing like you’re at the gym. This way, when you’re girlfriend says, “Right there, don’t stop!” you can keep going until she’s had multiple orgasms instead of having to tap out early from exhaustion.

If your jaw starts aching and your tongue cramps before she’s even tripping down your chin, it may be time to employ a unique technique to push past the discomfort to get your girl that O. According to Autostraddle, the key is to distract your brain with “reciprocal inhibition.” The idea is to contract a different muscle when you start to get a cramp. So when you’re tongue starts to hurt, move your leg, arm, or finger repeatedly without having to stop eating her out. The motion will distract your brain and let you keep going all night long.
Lizzy Bristow — aka Body by Daddy on social media — is a queer fitness influencer who is known for her fitness routines that help people with body dysmorphia, but she also has tips for workout that will keep you from getting tired or having pain during sex.
If you feel the need to ice your wrists after fingering your partner, Bristol has the workout for you. Take two small weighted plates if you’re at the gym or a hammer if you work out at home, and hold it in your hand while you’re sitting and balancing your elbow on your thigh. Then, just let your wrist drop and lift it back up. Simple!
Bristow has even more tips when it comes to building a body strong enough to use a strap-on without your muscles getting too worn out. She's come up with a beginner's workout for building a body that will allow you to be on top without a problem. She recommends a combination of planks, glute bridges, negative push-ups, and crunches to get you into tip-top strapping shape!

Yes, scissoring is real, and some sapphics love it. But there are two problems: leg cramps and too much friction. The solution? According to Quinn — the audio erotic app — a stretching routine before you fall into bed with someone will ensure you don't get a pesky cramp halfway through, and lots of lube will keep everything slippery so you don't have painful friction.