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10 Self-Care Challenges You Need to Try This Week

10 Self-Care Challenges You Need to Try This Week

Because it's up to you to take care of yourself.


Photo: Christopher Campbell

We live in a stressful world. You can hardly escape a never-ending stream of socializing and work. It used to be when you got home after a long day, you didn't have to really worry about work. Now, once you get home, you have to think about LinkedIn and networking and getting more practical skills and bills and what's going on in Facebook world. It feels impossible to find even a sliver of moment's peace.

A chaotic mind can be harmful to both ourselves and others, making life difficult for ourselves and those around us. Sometimes clearing our minds and relaxing isn't as easy as setting your phone down, but it also isn't as hard as getting an appointment at an expensive massage parlor. Helping yourself — mentally, spiritually, and emotionally — requires a certain amount of purpose, mindfulness, attention, and effort. You won't feel better simply because you decide you want to.

There are many practices that help restore peace, including but not limited to, yoga, meditation, exercise, reading, and writing. But we don't always have the time, knowledge, or resources to comfortably or confidently practice these. What I've found to be helpful is to set a simple, weekly challenge for yourself. These challenges don't necessarily help you reach your longterm end goals, but rather, they help set you up for the journey.

It's best to keep these challenges short and simple, with little room for interpretation. Write them down somewhere and be sure to look at them every day. They may seem easy, but I assure you, they can be very difficult. Here are 10 one-sentence, self-care challenges to try:

1. Don't overthink.

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2. Write down three things you're grateful for every day.

3. Turn off all technology an hour before bed.

4. Drink 8 cups of water every day.

5. Write in a journal at least five days out of the week.

6. Do something you like for at least an hour a day, without feeling guilty.

7. Go for a walk every evening/night.

8. Read thirty minutes before bed.

9. Write and describe one specific thing you like about yourself every day.

10. Don't post on one social media account for an entire week. Think about how it makes you feel.

Do you have a challenge you set for yourself every week? Every month? Every year? Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter!

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Buffy Flores

Aries/Taurus cusp, Latinx, vegan, femme person, and the biggest Buffy fan you know. Now writing for Bustle, PRIDE, Everyday Feminism, and The Rumpus. Passionate, deeply feeling, sometimes angry, mostly emotional. Wants to make people feel less lonely in the world. Follow them on Twitter @buffyonabudget.

Aries/Taurus cusp, Latinx, vegan, femme person, and the biggest Buffy fan you know. Now writing for Bustle, PRIDE, Everyday Feminism, and The Rumpus. Passionate, deeply feeling, sometimes angry, mostly emotional. Wants to make people feel less lonely in the world. Follow them on Twitter @buffyonabudget.