For someone who usually finds themself in a constant flux between extroverted and introverted qualities, the prospect of submerging into a crowd of hundreds of glittered-up, dancing people can bring to light some anxiety. As anyone who grows up a little aloof, awkward, or introverted knows, people can be unpredictable and scary at times. But Pride is a time of love, acceptance, and freedom. So to help you get out of your shell, here are some tips for introverts who are hoping to experience and make the most out of all of the Pride Month festivities that are going on!
1. Go with friends to events, parties, or bars
This will ground you, allowing your metaphorical tether to pull you back to safety if your social orbit isn't working out the way you were hoping.
2. Set goals for any event and—most importantly—hold yourself to attaining them
If you say you want to flirt with cute strangers, or take on sober karaoke, hold yourself to your own word. You can also confide in a friend who will help give you an extra push should the occasion come.
3. Meditate and breath
We get it. Crowds are scary, especially when they are large and loud (like at Pride). That's why it's important to take moments here and there to meditate/relax your tension if you're overwhelmed before getting back into the game.
4. Make sure you're making friends with more than just animals
This one probably won't happen in a bar, but it definitely can elsewhere. It's tempting to become best friends with that cat that's been sprinting around the house party or all the cute little puppies you see walking around during a Pride parade, but remember, you came for social interaction with other people.
5. Don't try to have the conversations you think other people want to hear
Be genuine and tell people about your passions, likes, dislikes. People don't want to hear the stories they've heard a hundred times. They want to hear unique perspectives and tap into individuality. Show them what you got!