Rooney Mara made her first red carpet appearance since drastically changing her appearance to portray Lisbeth Salander in the adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
Mara, noticeably thinner and sporting cropped, dark hair and an eyebrow piercing associated with hacker heroine Salander, was in Hollywood for the premiere of Tanner Hall. The indie coming-of-age flick about an all-girls boarding school in New England co-written and co-directed by Tatiana von Furstenberg and out lesbian Francesca Gregorini, former flame of Portia de Rossi.
Stellan Skarsgård, who plays Martin Vanger in David Fincher's forthcoming The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, told E! Online, "Obviously, Fincher wanted to go with someone even younger than the Swedish version. He wanted someone more vulnerable, more androgynous and I think it pays off.”

Christopher Plummer, who plays retired businessman Henrik Vanger in the movie, praised the US adaption for staying true to Steig Larsson’s beloved books. But he was most impressed with Mara’s total transformation for the title role. "It's extraordinary," Plummer said. "And because she looks so young, it's very frightening. The innocence makes it even more terrifying. She is going to be the most wonderful Tattoo Girl."
The highly anticipated film opens in December 21, 2011.
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