You’ve had six albums prior to this one? Why make this one the self-titled album?
Everything else I had done on my own -- it was however I wanted to do it. If I wanted to put on an instrumental track or put some beats on something, or just go acoustic, I kind of did all of that . This album was everything I learned on my own mashed up into one along with help – production, songwriting. It was definitely my story, everything I was going through.
Speaking of your story the song “Let Go” is so powerful. I got choked up listening to it. What inspired you to write that song?
That was about my relationship with my father, and just the fact that he did pass away about seven years ago. In that song, I guess it’s just me addressing a few things -- the sadness of losing someone you love but also some of the things I was holding onto. I left my house when I was 17, because I came out. They kind of weren’t agreeing with that lifestyle at first.
In the second verse, that’s what I’m addressing there. Learning to let go of all those sad things, and at then end of it just kind of embracing that person that’s always going to be with me and a part of me.
It's a beautiful song.
Thank you so much.
Have you watched The Voice since your season?
I’ve watched some of the second, some of the third. This season I haven’t really been on top of it. I’ve seen some auditions but I haven’t really been able to follow the show.
So, if Shakira had been an option for your coach during your season…
Duh. I get to look at you (Shakira) everyday? Fine. I’ll take it! (laughs)
On another note, you’re touring…
Yeah. I’m call it just a radio promotional kind of stuff. I’m doing a few dates with my band in between all of that because I need to do that to stay sane.
You’ve spent such a chunk of your career touring. You still enjoy it then?
Yeah, I’m used to it -- not this severe, not this many planes. I’m more used to kind of being in the northwest and being able to drive to my places. My manager calls this the Star of David tour because we're all over the place from one point to the next. None of it really makes any sense. We’re racking up miles though.
We did an interview with you back when you were on The Voice, and we talked a lot about lesbian fans and how they were so supportive of you and Beverly. Do you attribute some of your success to that core base of loyal lesbian fans?
Absolutely. I think a good portion, I don’t want to say all of them, but a good portion of the website, or the fan club, that put themselves together -- they call themselves Vicci Martinez Army --they are super supportive. Their website about what I have going on is almost more up-to-date than what I even post. They are just right on top of it all the time. They've been really great. I don’t think all of them are lesbians, but I know a good portion of them are. I definitely know that big portion of folks has just been very, very supportive.
Did you have anything else you’d like to say?
Look out for the next single. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook!
Vicci Martinez Tour Dates:
5/23 Long Island, NY WALK "Girl's Night" Out Event w/ Colbie Caillat
6/19 San Diego, CA KPRI Green Fash Concerts
7/6 Pittsburgh, PA WBZZ Block Party
7/28 Leavenworth, WA Riverhaus in The Pines
7/29 Leavenworth, WA Riverhaus in The Pines
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