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Conservative Media Claims Vicious Lesbian Gangs Await Lindsay in the Big House

Conservative Media Claims Vicious Lesbian Gangs Await Lindsay in the Big House

News has traveled around the world about Lindsay Lohan’s 90-day jail sentence in relation to her 2007 DUI. Now conservative Fox News has picked up a story originating from a UK tabloid The Sun that Lohan can expect a welcoming party from lesbian gangs at the Los Angeles jail. An inmate in for heroin possession and prostitution, noted that “everyone will want a piece of her.” Adding that “it will make them famous if they hurt Lindsay Lohan. Or if you get her to cry, the whole ward will laugh and people will love it – even the guards.”

News has traveled around the world about Lindsay Lohan’s 90-day jail sentence in relation to her 2007 DUI. Now conservative Fox News has picked up a story originating from a UK tabloid The Sun that Lohan can expect a welcoming party from lesbian gangs at the Los Angeles jail.

The story claims an inmate said she’s being housed with “murderers,” despite being there for probation violations on her DUI conviction.

The source for the article, identified as Tamara Haley, an inmate in for heroin possession and prostitution, noted that “everyone will want a piece of her.” Adding that “it will make them famous if they hurt Lindsay Lohan. Or if you get her to cry, the whole ward will laugh and people will love it – even the guards.”

Apparently the guards are among the least of things Lohan needs to worry about. Haley revealed a rough lesbian gang is anxious for the star’s arrival. "The gay inmates wear their shirts inside out to let others know they are available," Haley reportedly said. "So if Lindsay doesn’t want someone to grab her ass she’d better keep her shirt on straight." Haley continued, "Women grab each other like animals when the guards aren’t looking. It’s disgusting." 

However, Lohan’s contact with the general population at the facility will be limited, as she will serve her time in “segregation.” Haley explained to The Sun that “segregation” is not pleasant: 23 hours in a cell with only a ragged blanket, the lights blazing constantly and continuous echos of screams of other. "The cells are filthy and kept brutally cold," warned Haley. "You get one tiny blanket and that’s it." On top of that, "There’s an infection going around now. You can barely sleep at night from all the coughing. And there are girls with body lice."

A Fox News article from July 8, delved into the details of intake procedures at the prison. "It’s very, very demeaning and the reason they do it is to check for drugs, but also to let you know that your rights are limited when you’re in a facility," a bail bondsman told the press. "Whenever that happens, like using the bathroom in front of people, the most basic rights that you have are taken away." The bail bondsman added that Lohan’s diet will only be 2,000 calories per day.

A post on Edge points out the large lack of protection from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation for those doing time on the inside. LGBT inmates face more assault and abuse than straight ones – from the staff as well as other inmates. It is unlear what kind of challenges Lohan will face considering her very public lesbian relationship with DJ Sam Ronson.

Lohan’s prison time starts July 20. 

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